
martes, 9 de mayo de 2023

Fuerza y Movimiento Grado Segundo - 2º

Fuerza y Movimiento

•What is motion?
•What are some examples of objects in motion?
•What sets those objects in motion?

 Tercera ley de Newton


•What is electricity?​
•What can you use electricity for?
•How can you tell if a device uses electricity?

Electrical Conductivity

Is the  capacity of a material to transport electricity. For example, a soda can is a good conductor of electricity, whereas a ceramic mug is a poor conductor.
What would happen if you put your wet hands on a power outlet or a spot where electronic devices are connected?                                                       
Careful, don't try it!

In The Learning Log: Complete the page fiilling up the 5 stages of the game.  
                                   Page #12

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