
lunes, 29 de mayo de 2023

Fondos, Sprites y Sonidos — Grados 4° y 5°

Fondos, Sprites y Sonidos 
 Grado 4° y Grado 5°
Repaso para ubicar los personajes (Eje X y Y) Backgrounds 
·How to Uploading Images in mBlock ·Customize a background (backdrop) from the Backdrop Library in mBlock. 

Background Changes Using the keyboard. 
Your Turn - Add a Sound 

Activity #1
Dog walking all Day and night Long, when it arrives till the end will be abducted with a special sound, and screaming in closed caption 1. Choose a sprite and a background. Remember that you can choose from the mBlock libraries, draw, or upload them from the internet. 2. Record a sound that matches the sprite you chose. 3. Make a costume for the sprite to create a sense of motion. 4. Create a program that allows you to control the sprite's movement using the keyboard. When the sprite changes costume, it should also make the sound that you recorded. 5. Program the background so that it makes a sound forever. You can use the video tutorial in Programming in the Look How It's Done section as a guide. 6. Share the project with your classmates.  
Sound [Pantallazo Learn] ·How to record sounds.   
Pez Recolector de Basura - Taller 4º
 9. Looks Costumes are a sprite's different appearances that create many possibilities for different projects. One of these is creating a sense of motion. mBlock has different resources to create appealing video games. One of these is sound. You can add a sound to each movement of a sprite or to the backdrops to create a continuous background sound.
Tutorial de Avión Disparando las Nubes

Activity #2 Makink a fish move with the arrow keys, programming sounds, costumes, and Movement [Video Extra] 
Tutorial Animación de Animales Rebotando
Variables - Castor en la Calle

 Programación EdgeHog:

Programación Carro:
Bombardero en las Nubes Avanzado       
Bombardero, Variables=Puntaje, Tamaño, Posición, Flechas

Crear Clones, Disparar
Clones: Nube duplicada 

Game Over:

Ejemplo Pez, Tiburón y Olla
Programación Pez:

Programación Tiburón:

Programación Olla y Billetera:
Mensajes — Varios Tableros o Escenarios
Fondos: Podemos crear más o menos 4 o 5 fondos (Disfraces) que llamaremos a través de Mensajes, yo elegí 5 fondos o mundos que van cambiando a medida que pasa el carrito.
Programación del Carro:
Ejemplo Gusanito y Puntaje
Programación Gusano:
Programación Manzana y Hojas:
Nota: Las Hojas Desaparecen pero no generan Puntaje
 We will run the following workshop, according the following video:

Controlling The PlayShield LED lights with the Keyboard, and a Light Bulb on the Screen with the PlayShield Buttons:

Gato o Jabalí:
Palanca o Pecera

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